Monday, January 23, 2012

Ten Weeks.

Weight loss has fallen to the wayside this past week, due to four obvious factors. I am loathe to admit I have gone up almost an entire pound, but there are lessons to be learned from this, and new obligations to be met. It was no surprise therefore, that the week's results are a stern 197. You reap what you sow, so to speak. On to the lesson! To recap the factors involved in this weight gain:

One: I have grown too comfortable. I've taken the diet for granted, and pushed the caloric intake too far, by several hundred calories each "up" day. This was ignored for some time by my body, but it has now caught up. I have learned where my limit is, and will now stick closer to it. (2300 calories on an "up" day is about 400 -500 too many).

Two: Any sort of exercise that causes DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) from exercise WILL cause water retention, for at least 4 days. I am still waiting for the water to release from shoveling snow for three days in a row.

Three: Cyclic hormones have an impact, and until I hit menopause, always will.

Four: Using an "up" day as a free eating day will not work, and I have taken steps so my husband will not overfeed me again on those days. He is an excellent cook, but steadfastly refuses to use lower-fat ingredients, and seems hurt when I demand small portions. Last night was stuffed pork chops and mashed potatoes, with ice cream for dessert. Yesterday's breakfast was a full plate of hash browns with four slices of bacon mixed in, and one egg. This is no excuse for my indulgence; but again, it is nothing I would have picked for myself if given an alternative beforehand. As a small caveat, it was a rare "football" day in my home, and a beer, along with two glasses of wine also made it into the day's menu. I won't mention the tortilla chips with salsa. No, I said I won't, and I won't...

Today is a "down" day, and I am grateful for it, although it may be hard, considering all the carbs I've been eating, which usually stimulate hunger.

I am confident a large loss will follow this week's overindulgence.

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