Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 1, Again.

It's amazing how resilient the human spirit can be, and how many people can transcend personal grief, tragedy, and recover from their traumas. I don't believe I have ever been that kind of person. I will move past these events, but they stay with me always. They hinder me greatly, and take up space in my head when I don't want them there.

Some of these traumas are transformed into personal lessons and become helpful nuggets, others are simply baggage I don't need and don't want. It's said that the mind buries bad memories and highlights the good. I find the opposite to be true, but have at the very least, a personal stubbornness that refuses to lay down and submit to the inevitability of the hurts that makes up a full life.

Diet in particular has become a problem, and this is something I dreaded back when I was a child. My mother has always struggled with weight, and in the last decades has decided it is not worth the effort to diet. She is almost a cripple now, trapped within her obese body, unable to really fend for herself any longer. Her highlight is taking the car to the supermarket and tooling around in an electric cart.

I swore I would never become "fat" like my mom, back when vows were sacred, and intentions were met with unswerving success. I have since learned that many, many obstacles would be placed in my path, and some were of my own placing. Along the way I got fat, and hope was driven from my psyche. I still struggle with both controlling the direction of my weight on a daily basis, and I have given up on having hope restored to me. I do without hope. It's ok. I find I don't really need it if I'm stubborn enough.

So today I re-engage with the JUDDD diet, since it works, and I still want to be 70 pounds lighter. I start with a Down day today, Day 1, at 215.2 pounds. Maybe this time the fates or karma, or whatever lays in wait will leave me be long enough that I can meet this personal goal at last.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Escapism and Mortality.

Things have not gotten better, and the weight continued to creep up and up. Today I see 213.6 on the scale. I have even given up on dieting for the last two months, since each time I rededicated myself to getting back to JUDDD I simply could not mentally commit to following a diet.

And less than three weeks ago, my family was hit with a grievous loss. My sister has died, after fighting cancer for over three years.

It seems wrong to focus on myself now, but in a way, I think she's with me and giving me strength to once again honor myself and try to become more comfortable in my skin.

The rest will take longer. Much, much longer.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


OK, this is a tough post to write, for many reasons. The last update I did was roughly mid-June, when I was doing really well, and my weight was roughly 175. I would see the scale dip to 173 before I felt devastation on a major scale. I don't think I've ever felt more defeated. In terms of self-image and the shattering of trust, this is as bad as it gets.

I think I am done with feeling the worst of it, and can once again focus on moving forward with my own personal journey of self empowerment. I can't undo what's done. I just need to stay positive, focused and strong.

Starting again is so familiar to me now, it's like putting on a pair of shoes. My weight from three days ago was 199.4, and I'm finishing a bout with the flu. Maybe that was the sign to rededicate, maybe the beginning of 2013. Maybe the end of 2012. I have no clue. I just know it's time.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.